by Eugene Rosenfeld | Apr 18, 2013 | SharePoint, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013, SharePoint Foundation, Speaking
Brad Smith, Black Blade’s CEO and SharePoint MVP is delivering his multi-part session on Compliance and Governance in a Regulated Industry at the London SharePoint Evolution Conference. Read past the break for the session abstracts, and check out the video of...
by Eugene Rosenfeld | Apr 1, 2013 | SharePoint, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013, Speaking
I’ll been selected to speak my mind at SharePoint Saturday, Boston, April 27. I’m presenting my new session: SharePoint Lied: It Isn’t a Document Management System, It’s Really a File Management System Do you feel that SharePoint document management is...
by Eugene Rosenfeld | Sep 26, 2012 | SharePoint, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013, Speaking
Why is it so common for code that works on your development machine to fail in the test or production environments? More often than not, security is the answer. The slides from my presentation, “But it Works on My Box – Security for the SharePoint...
by Eugene Rosenfeld | Jul 19, 2012 | SharePoint, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013, SharePoint Foundation, WSS
Does this sound familiar: Your SharePoint server is running fine, but then it starts slowing down so much that the only way you can get things going again is by restarting the server? Eventually you track things down to a page that seems to be causing the problem. And...